Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blogging Tips - Using RSS Fields In Communication offers you more easy to implement blogging tips and blog advices.

RSS is fast replacing email marketing and newsletters. You would not want to be left behind would you? Your competitor will surely overtake you and speed right up. RSS is mostly called Really Simple Syndication, although some give other meaning to the acronym. It is a process by which you could place a feed on websites that can read RSS from your directory.

Information distribution has been made simply by RSS. Simply put, with RSS, you can place your headline to other website for more people to see it. In marketing, it is a known concept that the more people you reaches to, the more likely that your product will sell.

RSS is an XML-based application. XML is similar in a way to HTML, which we all know is the most common website creator application. From a directory, it would feed the headlines into website that has an RSS reader. Creating an RSS feed would definitely boost up your sales. How can you make an RSS feed? Just follow these simple steps:

Create a file for your feed.
Using a certain format, you'd have to create the XML version of your feed. It should include the title or the headline, the body's short description, and the link where it can be read. There are a lot of different RSS web channel editor you can use for this. Some programs just require you to write news and articles down on a notepad and when placed on the editor, it will show up with the necessary formatting ready for upload. It would be advisable to make at least ten articles for your feed.

Save and Upload the file.
After creating your file, save your work as an XML, RSS, or an RDF file. Then you are now ready to upload it. Upload the file using your FTP program and place it on your web server. This process now makes the file readable by RSS news aggregators.

Validate the file.
Make your RSS program error-free. RSS is programming, so errors could lie unseen. Again, there are different programs that can assist you for this process. You would just need to place the saved and uploaded RSS file for the program to test it against wrong and missed code and tags. It is essential for you to check your work of course. This way, you're sure that what you have is readable and usable.

Create a directory.
Now that you have created the file, saved it, and made sure it works, you are ready to let other see it. The main purpose of an RSS feed is to broadcast it to all RSS enabled sites. So go ahead and look for a directory where you can place your feed. Some may require fees for uploading a directory. Some offer it for free. Scout around and round up all the free sites you can have and place it there. If you have some marketing budget, you might want to subscribe to sites that charge a minimal amount. Don't forget to place an icon of your RSS feed on your website, too for those people who visits you directly.

Update regularly.
With RSS, you know that the feed changes automatically every time you change the main file. Don't let your RSS feed sit there for a month without modifying it. Maintain it. Add new articles. The more exciting your topic is, the more people will check your feeds and visit your website.

Creating an RSS feed for Internet marketing is made very simple now a days. Even people who are not computer savvy can create RSS feeds, based on the steps provided above. The applications that were created for RSS creation are the ones that make it easy for everyday computer users to make an RSS feed. All you need is familiarization with the process.

Start now creating RSS feeds. Give your competitor something fierce to duel with. Needless to say, RSS feeds give your website more traffic than usual web hosting. And web traffic means more people seeing your products that could be interested in buying them. Add strength to your marketing strategy. Make RSS feeds and be ready to sell.


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Blogging Tips - Updates On RSS Directories

Read more practical blogging tips and blogging advices at

RSS directories are popular these days. RSS is widely used initially by news sites to allow others to syndicate their news stories. Now, a lot of other websites are using RSS. It is being used in flagging new forum headlines, auction listings, sales listings and others.

The meaning of RSS is actually not clear. RSS may or may not be an acronym, actually. RSS may stand for Really Simple Syndication. But others say its Rich Site Summary and sometimes Rich Syndication Standard. The noted creator of RSS directory would be Netscape. It was released sometime in March 1999. The included a UserLand application which is called scripting news. Netscape stopped developing it, but UserLand continued doing so. Another company, RSS-DEV Working Group also released their own version.

RSS directories are sites that collate all RSS links and place them in different categories for other applications to use. This is similar to web hosting, only instead of web pages, they contain RSS links. These links will pop out on the website and when you click it, you will be directed to the main source of the link.

RSS poses a lot of uses for those who'd like to use the Internet for marketing or commerce. Here are the things you can do with it:

Create links from their website to yours.
If you are selling or promoting something, web traffic is important. The more RSS directory you upload, the more chances you have people seeing those and checking your site out. And if they have customized their sites with your RSS feeds, then they would get updated listings from your site to theirs automatically.

Collating analysis.
If you have a brand and you'd like to know how your competitor is doing, you may use RSS to see what they have so far. Get a directory of their product or service so you'll know first hand what they have come out with. With the data gathered you now can plan on how you can counter them.

Tracking your own progress. If you can check out your competitor, of course you'd like to check out too how your business or product is going too. With an RSS directory of your own, you can know how many people are interested in what you are selling or offering.

Increases productivity.
Putting up RSS directories, let's say for newsletters, adds efficiency to your company. If you use RSS for sending out newsletters instead of mailing them to recipients, you'd eliminate the possibility of your letter being classified as spam by users, or being sent in a closed mail account.

Increases efficiency.
There are a lot of websites or news articles that could be beneficial to your brand or company. At times, you'd like to add them to your site. Without the use of RSS, you'd have to copy the entire thing down and note where you got it. If you use RSS, then the headline and part of the story shows up on your site. And this is an automatic process now. If you use RSS, you just include the directory and automatically, the headline appears without you doing much.

Posting RSS directories could cost you some. But the benefits override it. Some sites even offer free RSS directory posting. If you are just starting up, you may like to check those out. The more RSS directory you have up, the more the possibility that you are sending out information to the people interested in your goods. Reason behind is that people will only get the RSS feeds that they are interested in. If they get yours, they sure are the target market.

Disseminating information online has become easier with RSS. The technology provided a cost-effective way of transferring facts and figures out. Utilizing it would definitely add up to your marketing approach. With it, you have an avenue of reaching out to even more people so easily.

RSS uses XML to syndicate pages. Though that sounds a little technical, there a lot of websites that has user-friendly interface to guide in building your directory. Go ahead and put up your RSS directory up now. RSS has proven to be essential. It has ceased to be an option; it has become a necessity.


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Friday, February 22, 2008

5 Hot RSS Tips To Increase MLM Blog Traffic

What is RSS and how can it help you increase MLM blog traffic?

RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication'. RSS lets you directly deliver your content to all interested parties so they do not have to surf to find your content.

It syndicates your content. It helps you send updated headlines and brief summaries to your subscribers. It is a more efficient way to get your content 'out there, so you can increase MLM blog traffic.

RSS feeds provide an effective means to advertise new content on other websites without the hassles and spamming issues of mass email newsletters.

You can create an RSS Feed without coding it yourself by using an easy to use software applications that can format your XML. You can find some excellent RSS feed plug ins at Feedburner, Feedblitz or FeedForAll.

Here are five tips to set up and maximize your own feeds.

1. Set up Your Own RSS Feed

First, set up an RSS Feed for your site.

A blog created with Blogger or Wordpress will provide you with an RSS Feed that you can place on your site. Get a XML or RSS orange button and place it on your site. Link it to your RSS Feed url - this is your atom.xml link if you're using Blogger. You can also get buttons for feeds in various readers by going to Feedburner, Feedblitz or FeedForAll.

2. Place Other RSS Feeds On Your Site

You can place headlines on your site and gives you a headline animator. This will display the RSS feed's headlines with links to the content.

You can also put other content from a feed on your site, you can use for free to automatically update news and feed content on your blog.

3. Place MSN Search Results Directly on your blog.

MSN has a beta program using RSS in their search. You can put RSS search results directly onto your blog. It can enrich your site with daily updated content. Fresh updated content will draw more eyeballs and increase MLM blog traffic.

It is easy to do; just add "&format=rss" at the end of the URL in your MSN search engine query.

4. Put Yahoo Results on your blog

5. Place the correct tags on your blog and in your posts

Tags are essentially keywords for blogs and you should always use them to increase MLM blog traffic.

Tags have recently gained attention because Technorati, which indexes 4.5 million blogs, started sorting blog posts by using tags

Simply place this code in your blog:


Using the correct tags, creating different feed options and placing other feeds on your site are some simple methods to increase MLM blog traffic.

Jon Roussel is a successful internet marketer in Beverly, MA He helps people succeed with a home based business that will generate a long term reliable leveraged residual income. Learn more at Jon Roussel's Website


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